Message from the President of the GNTO

Angela Gerekou
President E.O.T.

“I am particularly happy and proud that the initiative of the Hellenic Tourism Organization for the realization of the New Thesmoforia was immediately embraced by the Region of Attica and the New Metropolitan Attica, and we are now in a position to implement it together with all of you.

Starting from our history and traditions, the Hellenic Tourism Organization brings the celebration of Attica’s land, the Thesmoforia, to the present day. The Thesmoforia honoured Demeter, the goddess of soil, vegetation and fruitfulness and celebrated the fertility of the earth and of women. The Athenians were inspired by Demeter to cultivate the land, thus gradually creating an organized society with institutions and laying the foundations for the wondrous Republic of the 5th century B.C. Hence, the goddess Demeter was for them “Thesmoforos”, literally meaning ‘the bearer of institutions.’

Similarly, the festival of the New Themoforia is the celebration that highlights the product pillars of the Athenian State: cereals, olives and olive oil, vines and wine. These authentic, emblematic products are the ones most commonly sought by  the modern, socially and environmentally  conscious traveler, along with authentic moments close to nature and agritourism experiences. The EOT has been systematically promoting the link between the hospitality economy and primary production in recent years, aiming  to place our quality, local products at every stage of the visitor’s travel experience. The Greek-Mediterranean diet, of which Attica was the cradle, is an invaluable national asset. When promoted and allied to knowledge and modern development models, it can be a pillar for sustainable tourism development that respects the environment, culture and the quality of life of the inhabitants.

In conclusion, I would like to congratulate once again the organizers and relevant agencies on the excellence of the event and wish them every success.”

Angela Gerekou

President of the E.O.T.

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